Archive | September 2013

Preschool Orientation

I realize I’m long overdue to give an update on Vivian’s preschool experience.  Mine, as well.

Orientation.  Gratefully, my husband came with me.  I walked in and couldn’t help but look around.  I tried to see all the other children’s disabilities.  I don’t want to sound selfish, I did this to look for someone similar to Vivian.

I was desperate to find a parent who feels the way I do.   Who’s going through what I am.  I’ve basically given up.  I take each day as it comes – doing my best to keep trudging forward.  Doing my best for my daughter and family.  This is all I can do.

At orientation I find myself thankfully completing paperwork.  I notice Viv head towards a boy with cerebral palsy, who wears a helmet.  As she looks at him with her head cocked sideways and reaches to find out what’s under there – I’m filled with pride.  I hope his parents are happy someone is being so gentle with and paying attention to him that they are proud, too.  We of course stop her from taking off his helmet, but I think it’s a good first step.

There’s a big smart board in the room.  It’s the first I’ve ever seen, but it’s a huge touchscreen for kids.  We were waiting for our little miss technology guru to figure this out, but she had to be shown it much later.  We also learned she would tolerate cube chairs for circle time.  Good luck getting her to stay still was all I could think!  Dave and I observed her for a while.  We watched as she took to a brunette girl in her 20’s – much like her regular babysitter, Becca.  It was great to see her making a connection – although we’re not sure the girl knew what to think of Vivian taking to her so well!

A week or so later, I sent her to school with a little list:


I don’t think this was bad!  She had a few days of summer school and then it was ready for the school year to begin on August 26.